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Morning Dovetion: Help me to be the helper You intend me to be as I yield to Your life in me

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January 5

Genesis 2:18 (NIV) 18The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Man was not meant to be a hermit. A solitary condition is not good. God designed Eve as a helper suitable for Adam. That is God's plan and God's intention for women. I can hear the howls of derision from those with secular minds. The Biblical view of a helper is a team member not a slave. What they accomplish together is their accomplishment and not his alone. He must share the glory with his helper. In the upside down world of the Kingdom, the servant is the greatest. They need each other and are incomplete without each other.
The spiritual picture here is of Christ and the church. We were made new creatures from the blood that flowed from His side, just as Eve was made from the blood flowing from Adam's side. We are to be His helper. That is why He calls us co-laborers. It is not as though He could not do it by Himself, but that He wants to include us in what He is doing. He wants to share His work with us for our benefit. It is not good for us to be alone. We need to be at His side, laboring with Him for His glory.
Genesis 2:24 (NIV) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. We are to be joined to Him so that all other attachments are a distant second. Does that describe your relationship with the groom, Christ Jesus? By His Spirit, are you a suitable helper for Him?
Prayer: Help me to be the helper You intend me to be as I yield to Your life in me.

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